13 August 202113 August 2021News 76th Anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 76 years ago, the USA dropped two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. James Morris reflects on life under the threat of the bomb.
29 July 202111 August 2021News McVitie’s Workers Refuse to Crumble The battle to save McVitie’s biscuit factory has reached a crunch point Here’s what you can do right now to help save hundreds of jobs.
24 July 202124 July 2021News SSP calls for an end to the blockade against Cuba By Bill Bonnar, SSP International Secretary The United States has Cuba in the grip of a violent, illegal blockade. US-led coups have […]
3 July 20213 July 2021News NHS Birthday: The NHS is in crisis. Here’s what we need to do. #NHSBirthday: Governments serving private profit have led our NHS into crisis. NHS workers have been there for us since 1948; let’s be there for them.
11 June 202111 June 2021News Carers Week 2021: Carers’ struggle should be all our struggle By Sandra Webster Carers Week 2021: It is that most wonderful week of the year where those unpaid carers, part of an […]
19 May 202119 May 2021News McVitie’s Tollcross Factory: Stop the Closure, Save 500 Jobs Stop the closure of McVitie’s Tollcross factory! Save 500 jobs and feed the people, not the capitalist’s profits.
11 May 202111 May 2021News Scottish Election dominated by the national question Why is there still no majority for Yes? What effort is being made to achieve a better economic case? And what plans are being made to put pressure on Johnson to concede a referendum?
28 April 202128 April 2021News #CollegesNeedLecturers: A Victory for Strikes and Solidarity FE workers have won a major victory. A lecturer is indeed a lecturer – and should be paid a lecturer’s wage. #CollegesNeedLecturers