6 March 202212 March 2022News Scottish Socialist Party statement on the situation in Ukraine The Scottish Socialist Party condemns the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
3 March 20223 March 2022News Bring It On!: Equal Pay Strikes Looms Glasgow City Council workers have voted for equal pay strike action, with sweeping majorities across unions in simultaneous ballots.
26 February 202226 February 2022News Glaswegians are fed up with Fuel Poverty Failings The Scottish Socialist Party is campaigning for action on the cost of living crisis in Glasgow’s Southside Central. Activists in Govanhill spoke […]
24 February 202224 February 2022News Colin Fox Statement on Russia and Ukraine Statement on Russia and Ukraine
24 February 202224 February 2022News The Truth Behind University Pensions Strikes the UCU has once again had to call strikes in order to defend pensions and to continue the fights for equality and decent working conditions.
24 February 202223 February 2022News Workers Demand Equal Pay Action Ahead of Ballot Workers have gathered in Easterhouse to demand that Glasgow City Council honour its commitments to equal pay justice.
20 February 202220 February 2022News Scotland is going backwards on green jobs. We need more than hot air. Latest figures from the Office for National Statistics have shown that the number of ‘green’ jobs in Scotland has fallen for the fourth year in a row.
14 February 202214 February 2022News UCU Strike: University workers are fighting back for pay and pensions UCU Strike: the SSP sends its full solidarity to striking workers, who are fighting a 35% cut to their guaranteed pension.