7 August 20151 September 2015News No More Hiroshimas by Sandra Webster Yesterday, we commemorated the use of the first nuclear weapon in the world. 70 years later we still live […]
10 July 201520 August 2018News Tory Thieves and Liars make a ‘Living Wage’ a Pay Cut by Richie Venton It should come as no surprise, but Tory Chancellor George Osborne is not only a thief but a brazen […]
8 July 20151 September 2015News Whose Budget? Not Ours. by Sandra Webster It is traditional for the chancellor to have a whisky as he delivers his budget. A stiff drink for […]
8 July 201516 July 2018News Only United Action can defeat Tory ‘Class War’ Budget Commenting on the latest round of Tory austerity SSP national spokesperson Colin Fox said: “This budget underlines the SSP’s warning that this […]
8 July 201516 July 2018News The Greek Referendum and what happens next? by Colin Fox The pollsters got it wrong again. Those who predicted Greece would vote ‘Yes’ to austerity ended up with feta […]
8 July 201517 September 2015News The Morning before the Budget by Sandra Webster There has been cause for celebration this week. The people of Greece voted for an end to austerity being […]
6 July 201516 July 2018News OPINION: Why Oxi means so much more than No by Liam McLaughlan The Greek people have delivered a resounding, brave, collective No to austerity and the lack of democracy and accountability […]
6 July 201516 July 2018News Scottish Socialists to turn up the heat on Class War Tories The Scottish Socialist Party plans a series of protests across the four corners of Scotland as the Tory government announces its Budget […]