31 January 202231 January 2022News Free Public Transport: a solution to poverty, pollution, and isolation We face catastrophic climate crises, rampant poverty, and growing inequality. We need Free Public Transport to fight poverty and pollution together.
29 January 202229 January 2022News Scottish Government Threatens Trains and Ferries Demand massive state investment in an integrated public transport network.
27 January 202229 January 2022News Equal Pay: Tell Glasgow City Council to pay up now! The Scottish Socialist Party is supporting workers demanding that Glasgow City Council stick to its equal pay commitments.
25 January 202225 January 2022News Cost of Living Crisis: Demand action on fuel poverty, low pay, and hunger. The Scottish Socialist Party is campaigning for immediate action against on the cost of living crisis in Scotland.
17 January 202217 January 2022News #ToriesOut: Build action to boot out the Tories The Tories must go, but it doesn’t stop there. To win improvements for working-class people, we need united action around key demands.
11 January 202211 January 2022News IKEA slash COVID sick pay (again) IKEA has launched another attack on COVID sick pay. The SSP calls for full average wages for every sick and self-isolating worker.
1 December 20211 December 2021News University Strike: Solidarity with striking workers The Scottish Socialist Party has offered its complete solidarity to striking University workers once again.
26 November 202126 November 2021News SSP announces first annual Jim McVicar Memorial Lecture The Scottish Socialist Party is pleased to announce that the first annual Jim McVicar Memorial Lecture will be held at the Pearce Institute in Govan, Glasgow on Wednesday 8 December 2021.