May Day eBook: Lenin by James Maxton

The Scottish Socialist Party is proud to publish a newly restored and reconstructed edition of James Maxton’s seminal biography of Vladimir Lenin for free download – complete with clarified language, extensive footnotes and key historical details.

Our national secretary, Connor Beaton, spearheaded the project and provides the foreword – which briefly outlines the history and importance of accessible, readable biographies of key socialist historical figures.

This download is available in three formats – PDF (for printing and reading on computer screens), Mobi for side-loading on Kindle readers, and ePub for iPad and other compatible devices.


On the key date of the socialist calendar – International Workers Day – enjoy, discuss, and use it as you wish. These downloads are free from all forms of digital restrictions management – you are free to read, copy, share, modify and redistribute as you see fit, and is brought to you under a CC0 public domain licence. No rights, now or in the future, are reserved by the Scottish Socialist Party.

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