2020 is over, but there is still a lot of hard work yet to come. So we’re rolling up our sleeves and making New Year 2021 not just a time of transition, but the start of real change.
The Scottish Socialist Party is reiterating its call for a publicly-owned, publicly-funded National Care Service in Scotland, which is free at the point of use, ahead of the Review into Adult Social Care.
The Scottish Socialist Voice, the only socialist newspaper written and edited in Scotland, is holding a Voice Forum on “From Crisis to Change” – exploring how to defend, and grow, workers’ rights in challenging times while building a future that puts people and planet before profit.
Those on Labour’s Right who conspired against Corbyn have triumphed. And they plan to erase all reference to the Corbyn era from Labour’s history. They blame Corbyn for their worst defeat in a century and deny any responsibility for the debilitating civil war they waged over the past five years.
The Scottish Socialist Party sends its warmest congratulations to new elected President Luis Arce and the Movement Towards Socialism on their tremendous election victory in Bolivia.
The latest blow to the BiFab yards, which not only imperils jobs but also underlines the abject failure of market economics to deliver benefits from what was described by then First Minister Salmond as a “Saudi Arabia of renewables” – lies a failure to take ownership of this key future-facing industry.
The failure to protect both public health and jobs will lead to a self-perpetuating downturn in both. Britain’s precarious economy of low-pay, low-security, hand-to-mouth living has left us with a country held up by lollipop sticks – and it is collapsing.