17 February 201625 February 2016News Cornton Vale Unfit For Human Dignity Around half the women in Stirling’s Cornton Vale jail can’t get proper access to sanitation – access to the toilet in a […]
17 February 201620 February 2016News Tame North Ayrshire Council cuts ~£10m This afternoon, a symphony of municipal slaughter was passed in North Ayrshire Council’s budget meeting. Pages and pages of unopposed, passed-on cuts […]
16 February 201620 July 2018News Bollan Blasts Tory Ban on BDS movement The UK government is set to announce that it will be making it illegal for local councils and public bodies in England […]
15 February 201616 February 2016News The Socialist Case Against Leaving the European Union by Hugh Cullen As Britain’s membership of the European Union (EU) hangs in the balance with a referendum looming, it is time […]
15 February 201616 July 2018News International Brigadiers commemoration by Bill Bonnar Just before the SSP National Council in Dundee on February 13th, the party took part in the annual commemoration […]
14 February 201630 August 2018News SSP backs a socialist Europe, and a Remain vote in the EU referendum At the February National Council, SSP members backed a Remain vote in the upcoming referendum on the United Kingdom membership of the […]
18 January 2016News A Tale of Two Societies by Sandra Webster It is ironic today when an Oxfam report tells a sorry tale of the inequalities of wealth on a […]
12 January 201613 January 2016News Solidarity with those on strike defending public services! The Scottish Socialist Party and RISE: Scotland’s Left Alliance sends its best wishes to junior Doctors in England and teachers in West […]