The Scottish Socialist Party today joined thousands of protestors, climate activists, and young people in the Fridays for Future march through Glasgow.
Greta Thunberg told the George Square rally that COP26 is “a global north greenwash festival – a two-week-long celebration of business as usual”.
The SSP is campaigning for a Socialist Green New Deal, and a radical programme of economic change that tackles pollution and poverty together.
Capitalism is the root of the climate crisis – and capitalism IS the crisis. The world cannot afford “business as usual”.
By expanding democratic public ownership of key sectors such as energy; by winning a worker-led Just Transition that secures jobs, better pay, and improved conditions; and by delivering immediate improvements to life quality with free public transport and guaranteed access to affordable social housing, we can build a sustainable, democratic economy that goes beyond “business as usual”.
SSP National Cospokesperson Colin Fox said:
“This is a really, really important day, and the Scottish Socialist Party’s really important message is that all solutions to global warming have to make our lives better, not worse.
“That’s the only way this will work. So how do we stop global warming and stop rising inequality?
“One of the things we could try is to introduce free public transport. Give people a better alternative to using their car. Free underground, free busses, free trains.
“It gets people out of their car, redistributes wealth, reduces emissions, and improves the quality of people’s life. That’s the message at this enormous protest here today, in the centre of Glasgow.
“I’m delighted to see so many young people here protesting for their future, and a future that belongs to working-class kids the world over.”
Winning a Socialist Green New Deal: Monday 8 November 2021
The Scottish Socialist Party is bringing the case for a Socialist Green New Deal to COP26.
Join our free public meeting at Community Central Hall, Maryhill, at 7pm Monday 8 November to hear from Trade Union organisers – including BFAWU General Secretary Sarah Wooley, RMT Regional Organiser Mick Hogg, and the Glasgow GMB’s Chris Mitchell – why we need a Socialist Green New Deal.
Click HERE to register today
As capitalist polluters and the governments who prop them up gather at COP26 to discuss climate change – like criminals returning to the scene of their crimes – workers are fighting back.
Railway workers are campaigning against savage cuts to the service – which would totally undermine building clean, green transport to cut car pollution.
Workers in the cleansing service and schools are amongst those fighting against cuts to their real pay, the services they provide, and against the filthy state the host city is in, after years of underfunding.
We need to build solidarity with those in struggle – and link that to the urgent need for measures to combat both poverty and pollution.
This meeting will hear the case for a worker-led transition from fossil fuels to green energy – with no loss of jobs or conditions; the need to retrofit every home, and build 100,000 new eco-houses for rent; the case for free public transport to combat pollution, poverty and social isolation; and other measures that would help achieve socialist change to combat climate change.
As well as workers and young people on the front line, and an SSP speaker, we are delighted to have the General Secretary of the Bakers Union (BFAWU) SARAH WOOLLEY, RMT Regional Organiser MICK HOGG, and CHRIS MITCHELL from the GMB Trade Union.
Click HERE to register today