The SSP is staging a coordinated series of protests outside Tory party headquarters and Tory MSP’s offices across Scotland this Wednesday, 27th May, as the new Tory government announces its Queens Speech that day.

SSP national trade union organizer, RICHIE VENTON, who is coordinating the protests, told us:
“The Tories have absolutely no mandate to announce their butchery of benefits, slaughter of services, and wipe-out of workers’ rights with an effective ban on the right to organise unions or strike.
“Across the UK, 63% of people voted against them. In Scotland, only a minuscule 10% of registered voters actually voted Tory.
“Yet they plan (amongst other butchery) to slash Working Tax Credits, young people’s housing benefits, Carers’ Allowances, 1.9 million public sector jobs, and impose dictatorial obstacles to workers’ unions, to prevent working people fighting back.
“The SSP appeals to local people to join us in a show of defiance against Tory dictatorship. Join our peaceful protests on Wednesday to send the Tory butchers a clear message: hands off our benefits, jobs and workplace rights – we refuse to bow down to your dictatorship!
“And we appeal to the trade union movement to defy the Tories head-on. It’s better to break bad anti-union laws than let the Tories break workers’ backs!
“Scotland has just witnessed a landslide vote to fight Tory austerity. The SSP is demanding powers for the Scottish parliament to halt and reverse Tory welfare cuts; introduce a Scottish £10 minimum wage for all over 16, and repeal all anti-union laws.
“Wednesday’s protests are just for starters! Let the defiance of Tory dictatorship begin as they declare vicious class war in Westminster on Wednesday.”
contact Richie Venton,