The Scottish Socialist Party is pleased to announce that the first annual Jim McVicar Memorial Lecture will be held at the Pearce Institute in Govan, Glasgow on Wednesday 8 December 2021.
All are welcome to this FREE public event. Places are limited – register today!
Click HERE to register today
JIM McVICAR was a widely respected, lifelong socialist, who grew up in Glasgow’s East End, went on to represent local people as their socialist councillor, and helped to lead many battles, from the poll tax to council cuts and the bedroom tax.
Jim was proud to be working class, and never faltered in his devotion to the struggle for socialism. He refused to bow the knee either to the employers’ class or the right-wing Labour careerists who ‘sold the jerseys’.
Jim died tragically young in December 2020; a heavy loss not only for his family and the SSP (of which he was national treasurer), but for the wider trade union and socialist movement.
As a mark of respect for Jim, and as a contribution to the struggles of working-class and young people, we plan an annual Jim McVicar Memorial Lecture – open to all-comers – to examine some of the issues facing our movement.

Click HERE to register today
In the first Memorial Lecture, RICHIE VENTON – himself a lifelong socialist and the first trade union convener to be sacked during COVID19 for championing workers’ rights – will speak on past struggles, the role of the working class today, and socialism in the 21st century.
Richie Venton said: “I am extremely honoured to have been asked to deliver the first Jim McVicar Memorial Lecture – as a tribute to my close friend and comrade’s life-long efforts to build socialism, as a proud working-class fighter.”
PLEASE NOTE: Tickets and entrance FREE, but DONATIONS are VERY WELCOME: as a tribute to Jim, former SSP national treasurer; to help recover some of the venue and print costs, and as a contribution to the ongoing struggle for 21st-century socialism which Jim devoted so much time and energy towards.