by Bill Bonnar
The International Socialist Movement has just lost one of its greatest leaders. Fidel Castro was a statesman of the 20th century, the most important Latin American leader since Simon Bolivar and a giant of socialism. His story is so intertwined with the modern history of Cuba they are impossible to entangle. When Castro launched the rebellion against the corrupt war criminal Batista, Cuba was a de-facto colony of the USA.
Run by a cabal of gangsters, a handful of wealthy Cuban families and representatives of American multi-national companies, it had become a cesspool of corruption, violence, exploitation and degradation while the great mass of the people lived in poverty. The 1959 revolution swept this away, restored Cuban independence and set the country on a socialist road with a simple objective: to create a society which put the interests of the Cuban people first.
Of course this proved utterly unacceptable to the USA which waged an unrelenting campaign against the revolution including a devastating economic blockade, military invasion, assassination attempts against the life of Castro and systematic acts of terrorism. Against this threat the Cuban Revolution, led by Castro stood defiant. The recent rapprochement between the US and Cuban Governments represented the complete failure of 50 years of American aggression and is testament to that defiance.
In more recent years Cuba has been a model of international solidarity, exporting thousands of doctors and teachers to Africa and Latin America. Castro’s entire political life was given to the struggle for Cuban independence and the struggle for liberation and socialism all over the world. He may have died but his legacy will live and endure – because heroes live forever.
Bill Bonnar is the national secretary of the Scottish Socialist Party.
2 thoughts on “Fidel Castro: a 90 year Cuban legacy”
Whilst it is possible to praise Castro for the gains in education and health care such praise should be be tempered by the recognition that there Cuba is not a workers democracy with a healthy planned economy.
I posted a comment already commenting on the fact that Cuba was far from being a workers democracy. You haven’t posted it on here.
Is this Cuba?
I am a SSP party member by the way.
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