The Scottish Socialist Party will today join protestors across the country in opposing the undemocratic farce that is the Coronation in London. It is time to abolish the monarchy.
The ceremony to crown the billionaire King will cost hundreds of millions of pounds in public funding – while millions of working-class people struggle to afford their next warm meal, and while millions of workers face unaffordable pay cuts.
The King’s personal wealth is a matter of great secrecy, but informed estimates place his private fortune at over £1.8 billion in land, property, jewels, cars, and shares. The National Union of Journalists this week condemned the veto power exercised by Buckingham Palace over BBC coverage of Royal affairs.
Early reports of protest organisers being in arrested in London are greatly concerning to all believers in democracy.
The Scottish Socialist Party believes in a modern, democratic republic delivered through an independent socialist Scotland.
The SSP’s Richie Venton said:
“As the mediaeval pomp of the King’s coronation is paraded at grotesque expense to public funds, many will march for Scottish independence in Glasgow today.
“The SSP will be there, boldly demanding an end to the monarchy, for a modern democratic republic, and an independent socialist Scotland that organises the fabulous natural and human wealth of Scotland for the benefit of the Scottish people, not a handful of capitalists, bankers, landowners, and other parasites.
“It’s obscene that one man is paraded around in a golden carriage while millions of the very people who produce society’s wealth can’t afford to live – drowning in fuel bills, transport costs, the price of food and housing – the cost of profiteering greed by the capitalist minority, whose power and privilege the monarchy is ultimately there to uphold, epitomising the outrageous inequality that this system of rule for profit produces.”