The Scottish Socialist Party is campaigning for a Socialist Green New Deal at COP26 in Glasgow.
Campaigners spoke with both Glasgow residents and COP visitors about the fight for democratic public ownership, free public transport, and a Just Transition for workers.
Opinion was unanimous that the solutions to the climate crisis must – and absolutely can – fight poverty and pollution together. That is the challenge that world leaders have to match at COP26.
There were cheers when one bus driver honked in support of the call for free public transport – an essential step in cutting Scotland’s greenhouse gas emissions, in reducing poverty, and in improving the economy.
The SSP will be back in Glasgow City Centre tomorrow, Tuesday 2 November, at 11am.
“Socialist alternative to the climate crisis”
SSP National Workplace Organiser Richie Venton said:
“The Scottish Socialist Party is out on the streets during COP26 to put forward a socialist alternative to the climate crisis.
“What we argue is that any solution to pollution must also include the solution to poverty and inequality. It’s big businesses – just 100 of them across the planet – who are responsible for 71% of all pollution since the 1980s. That’s a fact.
“So they’ll not suddenly become the salvation to the problem that they’ve created in the first place.
“We’re saying: any solution to pollution needs to tackle poverty and inequality. We’re for a Socialist Green New Deal, which could create 350,000 new, green, well-paid, unionised jobs in Scotland alone.
“To provide free public transport for all; to provide clean, green energy at an affordable price through democratic public ownership, and to build 100,000 council houses for rent up to the highest environmental standard.
Winning a Socialist Green New Deal: Monday 8 November 2021
The Scottish Socialist Party is bringing the case for a Socialist Green New Deal to COP26.
Join our free public meeting at Community Central Hall, Maryhill, at 7pm Monday 8 November to hear from Trade Union organisers – including BFAWU General Secretary Sarah Wooley, RMT Regional Organiser Mick Hogg, and the Glasgow GMB’s Chris Mitchell – why we need a Socialist Green New Deal.
Click HERE to register today
As capitalist polluters and the governments who prop them up gather at COP26 to discuss climate change – like criminals returning to the scene of their crimes – workers are fighting back.
Railway workers are campaigning against savage cuts to the service – which would totally undermine building clean, green transport to cut car pollution.
Workers in the cleansing service and schools are amongst those fighting against cuts to their real pay, the services they provide, and against the filthy state the host city is in, after years of underfunding.
We need to build solidarity with those in struggle – and link that to the urgent need for measures to combat both poverty and pollution.
This meeting will hear the case for a worker-led transition from fossil fuels to green energy – with no loss of jobs or conditions; the need to retrofit every home, and build 100,000 new eco-houses for rent; the case for free public transport to combat pollution, poverty and social isolation; and other measures that would help achieve socialist change to combat climate change.
As well as workers and young people on the front line, and an SSP speaker, we are delighted to have the General Secretary of the Bakers Union (BFAWU) SARAH WOOLLEY, RMT Regional Organiser MICK HOGG, and CHRIS MITCHELL from the GMB Trade Union.
Click HERE to register today