29 June 202221 March 2023Campaign Updates, Constitution, Independence, and Self-Determination, Executive Committee, News Scottish independence: “build a case for independence that cannot be ignored by Westminster” The SSP has supported Scottish independence since inception. We need to agitate and organise to build a case for independence that cannot be ignored.
8 May 20228 May 2022News Struggle, Solidarity, Socialism: Here’s what comes next Here is what YOU need to know about what the SSP is doing next – and how you can help:.
28 April 202228 April 2022News Fuel Poverty is a top concern for communities. That’s why it’s our priority too. Voters in Edinburgh are demanding emergency action on the fuel poverty crisis, a recent survey has revealed.
6 April 20226 April 2022News Nationalise P&O to Stop Capitalist Thuggery The SSP stands beside P&O workers. P&O are guilty of one of the worst acts of capitalist thuggery. We call for P&O to be nationalised.
29 March 202229 March 2022News Save Jobs and Wages: Nationalise P&O Now! The Scottish Socialist Party is in full solidarity with crews fighting back against P&O’s outrageous sacking of 800 workers.
29 March 202229 March 2022News P&O: Reinstate Sacked Workers, Stop Hiring on Slave Wages Scottish Socialist Party activists yesterday joined workers from RMT and Nautilus International in demanding that P&O reinstate sacked workers – and that […]
23 March 202223 March 2022News P&O Ferries: Demand reinstatement. Demand democratic public ownership Workers have gathered at Cairnryan as part of nation-wide action opposing P&O Ferries’ sudden sacking of 800 workers last week.
23 March 202223 March 2022News P&O Ferries: Workers Signpost to the Future of Ferries Scottish Socialist Party activists have joined RMT members and other workers in a vibrant protest action at Cairnryan.