Site icon Scottish Socialist Party

Striking Journalists Make The News

The Scottish Socialist Party yesterday sent its solidarity to STV journalists taking strike action on International Workers’ Day.

SSP National Trade Union Organiser Richie Venton sent this message to NUJ members on strike:

“Journalists reporting on food banks and having to use them at the same time. Highly trained professionals having to take second jobs to survive the cost of living.

“NUJ members not being able to get married due to real terms pay cuts. All these and more were the anecdotes striking NUJ members at STV told me this morning, when I joined them to convey the solidarity of the Scottish Socialist Party.”

“And the estimated £107,000 it would cost to meet the union’s modest 6% pay claim could be taken from STV Chief Executive Simon Pitt’s bloated salary and still leave him far better paid than the Director General of the BBC – an institution 45 times bigger than STV!

“Another classic case of profits before people; £20m profit for STV, but a derisory pay offer of 1% to 2% for some of the staff generating the company’s fortune.

“Solidarity with the NUJ strikers! People not profit!”

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