We Need You to Support Real Change
The challenges of the 21st century require radical action. Climate crisis, automation, inequality, the instability of capitalism, the eroding of democracy and the long-term consequences of Coronavirus mean we need real change, not more of the same.
You know that political parties represent the people that fund them. That’s why we don’t have or want billionaire backers and big corporate donors: we only seek our support from Scottish Socialist Party members and the generosity of working-class communities. We need you to support real change.
We know times are difficult. That’s why we make sure your investment in us is an investment in you. Every penny we receive from members’ subs, from generous donations, and from product sales is reinvested into the campaign for real change. Your extraordinary support provides campaign materials, hires venues, invites guest speakers, and raises fighting funds for Scottish Parliamentary and Scottish local elections.
1. Become a Scottish Socialist Party member
As a party member, you will be at the heart of the campaign for real change. Scottish Socialist Party members are card-carrying ambassadors for the working-class movement, and the most important resource we could ever have. Your membership is a win for socialism in Scotland.
Comradeship is the heart of the socialist movement. Enrolled SSP members aren’t just the first to know about important developments, they’re driving them. Our members shape and lead local campaigns through local branches, govern national strategy as equal voters at annual Conference and quarterly National Councils, and map the direction of the party through yearly leadership elections.
2. Donate to the Scottish Socialist Party
Your generosity makes the difference, and makes real change possible.
We don’t have billionaire backers or big corporate donors; we only rely on the support of working-class communities. We know times are difficult. That’s why we make sure your investment in us is an investment in you. Every penny we receive from members’ subs, from generous donations, and from product sales is reinvested into the campaign for real change. Your extraordinary support provides campaign materials, hires venues, invites guest speakers, and raises fighting funds for Scottish Parliamentary and Scottish local elections.
We know times are difficult. That’s why we make sure your investment in us is an investment in you. Every penny we receive from members’ subs, from generous donations, and from product sales is reinvested into the campaign for real change. Your extraordinary support provides campaign materials, hires venues, invites guest speakers, and raises fighting funds for Scottish Parliamentary and Scottish local elections.
3. Campaign for Real Change
We’re putting real equality, real democracy, and real change back on the political agenda in Scotland.
Real change needs working-class leadership, not the bosses, billionaires, or capitalism. That means workers must organise for real change. Recovery and real change go hand-in-hand, but the Tories, the SNP, and the Labour Party are only offering more of the same. The Scottish Socialist Party promises real change. With socialist representation, everybody benefits. The SSP has a proven record of standing up for working-class communities in Scotland.
We are bringing forward plans for a publicly-owned National Care Service and to scrap the regressive Council Tax. We’re campaigning to build 100,000 Council homes per year to fix Scotland’s housing crisis and for a Socialist Green New Deal. We’re winning a better deal for workers, and building the movement for an independent, socialist Scotland.
4. Get Your Scottish Socialist Voice subscription today
The Scottish Socialist Voice is the only socialist newspaper written and printed in Scotland. Since 1995, the Voice has been bringing working-class voices and socialist perspectives to the front page – challenging the dominance of right-wing media.
It has never been more important to support socialist publications. During the Coronavirus crisis, the Voice has brought you the real story from workers on the front line.
Stay informed and don’t miss out: get your Voice subscription today.
5. Join your Trade Union
The Scottish Socialist Party is a workers party – based in working-class communities, workplaces, and workers’ struggle. We fully support the Trade Union movement and encourage every worker to join a Trade Union.
Every worker has the right to join a Trade Union, and it is illegal for an employer to disadvantage you for being a Union member. Trade Unions protect your interests in the workplace, provide legal, material and financial support, use collective power to defend one another, and organise for real change.
Trade Unions have a vital role to play in keeping workers safe from Coronavirus – fighting for safe conditions in the workplace, and protecting the legal right to refuse unsafe work without punishment.
6. Get Equipped to Campaign
Get fully equipped to campaign for real change with the resources on offer in the SSP’s online shop. With posters, pamphlets, books, stickers, and apparel all available, you can stay informed, support the campaign, and spread the message all at once.