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In this issue, the Scottish Socialist Party’s John McAllion – former Labour MP and MSP – explains why he thinks the Scottish Labour Party is a shadow of its former self. This theme is also taken up by Labour for independence’s Allan Grogan, and SSP workplace organiser Richie Venton in his piece ‘Ructions after the referendum’. 

Other articles include Stephanie Pride on the Labour/SNP spat which is being acted out at both local and national level, Colin Turbett on the continued discrimination of Scottish Gypsy Travellers, Colin Fox on the resurgence of the SSP as a political force in Scotland and how we need to get out and convince the ‘missing million’ that a Yes vote is the best option for them, John Finnie MSP’s regular column and Newsnet Scotland’s Lynda Williamson on the stage-managed ‘Cybernat’ fury of the UK mainstream media and Better Together.

Promoted by Jim McVicar on behalf of the Scottish Socialist Party, Suite 370, Central Chambers, 93 Hope Street, Glasgow G2 6LD

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