by Jim McVicar, Scottish Socialist Party National Treasurer
The General Election takes place on 7 May this year and will give the people of Scotland an opportunity to let David Cameron and his unelected Tory/Lib Dem coalition government know exactly what the people of Scotland think of them.
After the very positive campaign during the independence referendum, which saw the Scottish Socialist Party membership increase and new branches of the party being established in every part of Scotland with a renewed air of confidence in the party and the socialist ideas that we represent, the SSP have decided to stand a number of candidates in targeted seats at the general election in May.
Like every election campaign the Scottish Socialist Party is involved in, it has to be paid for and unlike the London or Edinburgh based parties, the SSP has no rich friends or big business backers to bankroll our campaign.

The SSP rely solely on the support of our members, supporters and friends to finance our campaigns, and while our local branches have been working hard to raise money locally for the campaign, we feel that to develop the general election campaign at local and national level we have to ask our members, supporters and friends to financially support our campaign.
That is why I am appealing directly to you through the Voice to make a pledge or donation to the general election appeal fund today. Pledges or donations can be post-dated, paid now, paid in instalments or on line through the party’s website—whatever method is easier for you.
I appreciate that these are difficult financial times for many comrades, but whatever you can afford to donate to the General Election campaign fund is much appreciated by the party and every penny and pound that we receive will go directly to funding our general election campaign, ensuring that socialist ideas are firmly on the political agenda in May.
If you have already made a pledge or donation to the Scottish Socialist Party general election appeal fund at local or national level, on behalf of the SSP, thank you it is appreciated, and thank you for your continuing support.
[content_band bg_color=”#eeeee” border=”all”]HOW TO DONATE
You can make a pledge or donation to the Scottish Socialist Party General Election Appeal in the following ways:
• Donate directly to the SSP through the donate facility at our website at:
• Donate via PayPal:
• Make a donation direct into the appeal fund bank account through a bank transfer account.
The details are:
The Co-operative Bank. Sort Code 08-92-99 / account number 65094637
(if you pay direct into the account, can you please text me the details of the donation on 07810205747, so we can keep a record of your donation).
• Pay by cheque made out to ‘Scottish Socialist Party’ and return to Jim McVicar at the SSP national office, Suite 370 Central Chambers, 93 Hope Street, Glasgow G2 6LD.
• At your local SSP Branch meeting or directly to your branch organiser or branch treasurer.
• Email me at or text me on 07810205747 or and let me know the details of your pledge/donation and I will make arrangements to get it collected.