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Bill Bonnar on UKIP’s doctrine of fear

Glasgow South SSP

A POISONOUS right wing agenda is creeping into Scotland from over the border.

UKIP is not a significant force in Scotland which has consistently rejected their heady mixture of right wing nationalism, racism and xenophobia.

Although they managed to marginally win a Scottish seat in the Euro election this was as a result of wall to wall media coverage in England being poured into Scotland.

It is vital that we rally the people of Glasgow against the dark and fearful policies of Nigel Farage.

To this end the Scottish Socialist Party has called a public meeting on Thursday, March 26 at 7.30pm in the Pearce Institute, Govan, Glasgow.

Glasgow South West SSP candidate Bill Bonnar said: “The Scottish Socialist Party vigorously opposes UKIP and the reactionary politics it represents.

“We cannot let their doctrine of fear pollute the political agenda in Scotland. We welcome the growing multi-cultural nature of Scottish society and want Scotland to become a welcoming home for all those who want Scotland to be their home.

“In common with the majority of the people of Glasgow I come from an immigrant background in this case Ireland. When Irish people faced discrimination in Scotland socialists fought for their right to be here and against discrimination.

“We show the same solidarity today to newer migrants to our city. Show your solidarity by coming along to the public meeting.”

Bill Bonnar is the Scottish Socialist Party’s co-chairperson, international spokesperson and candidate for Glasgow South West. Any further enquiries about Bill Bonnar can be directed to our press officer, Alan Ferguson, on 07930668771 or Alternatively, Bill can be contacted on 07858436152 and

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